Script Windows 10 Store Apps Uninstaller (PowerShell/WinForms)

Uninstall Registry Key - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs Uninstall Registry Key. 05/31/2018; 2 minutes to read; In this article. The following installer properties give the values written under the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall. The values are stored in a subkey identified by the application's product code GUID. How To Bulk Uninstall Apps In Windows 10 Here are four different methods to bulk uninstall Windows 10 apps.I have used some free software and PowerShell feature of Windows 10 to bulk remove Windows 10 apps. Some of these methods can bulk uninstall built-in apps only, while remaining can bulk delete built-in (like Clock, Calendar, Health, Mail, and more) as well as 3rd party apps installed by you.

Uninstall Registry Key - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs

Those uninstallers can be triggered from Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features. But if you want to find out where they are located on your Windows machine that could be a mystery. If you want to find where are all the uninstaller located on your Windows PC that’s the tricky part. There are two registries you can check. Top 5 App Uninstaller For Windows 10 - Tech News Era

How to uninstall apps in Windows 10 | Windows Central

Fix problems that block programs from being installed or Aug 19, 2019